Greetings, Programs!
First, I should have properly “attached” the recording from September’s session on how AI (and its impact on creativity) is changing the marketing landscape. That’s what the “Listen Now” button is all about.
Second, if you missed the news, we’ve set the stage for an October event that’ll be different from what we’ve done to this point. There’ll be structure and a directive this time around, and it’ll take place at a time when you shouldn’t have to fight traffic!
This a great event to come meet local creators, creatives, & technologists - especially if you're interested in how AI is transforming our future. We're hosting space for all of us to collaborate, share ideas, and work together.
Are you a Seattle-area content creator (full, part time, or casual) looking to connect with other creators - YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, podcasting, or beyond?
Are you a developer or startup who is either offering or looking to offer products or services that benefit creators, creatives, entrepreneurs (including independent entrepreneurial creators) - or doing something interesting with AI?
Creators will be invited to share their ideas and pitches for possible platforms they'd love to use, and developers / entrepreneurs will hear directly from their intended market for product fit.
Startups / companies / developers will be able to showcase their current products / projects throughout the space, inviting everybody to see what they're doing and to elicit feedback.
Creators need better (more!) opportunities to discover new technology that can support their endeavors, and developers / entrepreneurs need to talk with real creators & creatives to find product market fit faster.
@ 11am: People are welcome to start coming in, set up at a table if they have something to share or showcase, and begin to network.
@ Noon: Developers / Startups will be given ~5 minutes on the mic to show everybody what it is that they're working on, and what they are most hoping to get out of this event.
@ 1pm: Creators will be given ~5 minutes on the mic to tell everybody an idea they might've had (for a product / service that doesn't yet exist - or doesn't yet exist on their terms with their expectations).
@ 2pm - 5pm: Everybody's encouraged to connect with others, start conversations, and learn something they didn't know before from someone they've never met.
@???: We will stage a conversation between the host (Chris Pirillo) and a participant who brings with them experience to benefit others. TBD.
Let’s give this a shot, eh?
And, if you know someone who might also care to join, let ‘em know. Unless you’re telling me that you don’t know any Seattle-area creators or developers (which would honestly shock me).
You might note: Beverages will be provided (as always), and we will have food delivered and available on a first-come-first-serve basis (though, we'd recommend either traveling with a snack and/or eating before joining - possibly, heading out with new friends after the event for a dinner together).
Free admission, free parking, free beverages.
I really hope we’ll see you again (or for the first time)!
Yours Digitally,
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